Fellow in Vascular Anaesthesia – Musgrove Pak Hospital, Taunton

The post would suit a higher or advanced registrar who wants experience and training in the management of complex vascular patients.  The post would be for 6 - 12 months with a view to achieving higher or advanced training in vascular anaesthesia.

The Regional Arterial Unit for Somerset and North Devon is based at Taunton with an elderly catchment population of approximately 800,000 accessing services through 3 acute Trusts (Taunton and Somerset, Yeovil District Hospital and North Devon District Hospital).  The Unit is a high volume arterial centre and performs in excess of 100 AAA repairs per year including in excess of 60 EVAR cases. While the majority of operating is on an inpatient basis, we also have regular Day Surgery lists and bimonthly AAA MDT meetings.  The centre also provides an urgent / expedited service for carotid endarterectomies, both under local and general anaesthesia.  There may be an opportunity for the successful post-holder to attend CPEX testing in Torbay.

Duties of the post include:

•           Approximately 2-3 days per week of protected vascular anaesthesia.

•           Vascular Pre-operative assessment clinic, Multi-disciplinary team meetings, risk stratification.

•           Opportunity and post-fellowship study time for audit, service improvement and research.

•           Provide supervised anaesthesia for vascular procedures in the Radiology department.

•           Participation in the out of hours registrar rota (currently 1:8 with internal cross cover)


The post will concentrate on vascular anaesthesia but on occasions there may be an element of general service duties.