ICM Programme

The single speciality CCT programme for training in intensive care medicine (ICM) was approved by the Specialist Training Authority in 2011. It is possible to train exclusively in ICM in addition to combining it with another specialty. Entry into the ICM programme is at ST3 from a number of defined core training routes. In addition to the Foundation years, you will need to have completed one of the core training programs ie Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS), Core Anaesthetic Training (CAT) or Core Medical Training (CMT). You will also need to have passed a primary qualification in a partner specialty. Recruitment is by competitive national interview run by the West Midlands Deanery.

Training in Intensive Care Medicine is divided into 3 stages:

Stage 1 training (ST 3 and 4)

Stage 1 training lasts for 4 years and includes the core training completed before appointment and the ST3/4 years completed after appointment. As a single specialty Doctor in Training in Intensive Care Medicine you will initially spend 18 months to 2 years of your ST3/4 training in one of the region’s major district hospitals. These may include Torbay, Royal Cornwall and RoyalDevon & ExeterHospital. You will have completed a minimum of 1 year training in Intensive Care, acute medicine and anaesthesia by the end of Stage 1. During your first year or so following your appointment you will be able to apply for a dual CCT programme in a partner speciality (either emergency medicine, anaesthesia, acute, renal or respiratory medicine). You must start training in the second speciality within 18 months of starting your first. 

Stage 2 training (ST 5 and 6)

Stage 2 training takes place within Derriford Hospital undertaking specialist intensive care modules in neuro-intensive care, cardiac surgery and further general intensive care. There will be an opportunity to spend 3 months in Bristol undertaking paediatric intensive care.

During stage 2 training there will be the opportunity to undertake a specialist skills year that may include research, work abroad or additional experience in intensive care or partner specialties.

During ST 5/6 you will receive regional teaching aimed at passing the FFICM exam as passing the FFICM exam is a requirement for entry into Stage 3 of training. 

Stage 3 training (ST 7)

ST7 training will take place in Derriford hospital and either Royal Devon & Exeter or Royal Cornwall Hospital. Doctors in Training will rotate between at least 2 Intensive Care units during this year. At this stage of training the focus is on preparing you for Consultant practice. As a result you will be expected to lead ward rounds, morbidity/mortality meetings and gain management experience.