Welcome to ICM in the Peninsula!
Once appointed to the ICM CCT programme it is essential that you register with the FICM for your training to be approved. Without registration you will not be eligible to complete your CCT programme.
More information is available on the Faculty Intensive Care Medicine web
Please contact us if you have any questions or if anything if not clear – we are here to help you get the most out of your training in ICM
Contact details:
Dr Mike Spivey
Regional Advisor for South West Peninsula and Consultant ICM at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Paul Margetts
Training Programme Director (Assessment and Education)
- Registration with FICM
- Registration with ICS
- Registration with ESICM
- Work based assessments and paperwork, including expanded case summaries
- Meetings to try to attend
- Exams
- Reading
- Teaching
- Less than full time training
- When things get difficult
- PICU attachment
REGISTRATION WITH FICM (Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine)
Log onto the Faculty website to download the relevant forms. There are two routes for trainees to register with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. Forms require sign-off by the Regional Advisor in ICM before submission.
- CCT Trainee registration is open to trainees appointed, via competitive interview, to a programme of training leading to a CCT in Intensive Care Medicine. Trainees entering the ICM CCT programme must register with the Faculty.
- ICM affiliate trainee registration. Affiliate Trainee registration is open to Specialty Registrars undertaking postgraduate training enrolled in a UK CCT programme from ST3, where that CCT programme is not Intensive Care Medicine but is an ICM partner specialty overseen by an FICM trustee college. If you have been registered as an Affiliate Trainee and you have subsequently been appointed to an ICM CCT programme you must re-register as an ICM CCT Trainee
There are many benefits to becoming a member of the Society and you will receive a number of benefits:
- Quarterly Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS)
- Personal accident insurance cover of up to £1,000,000 in the event of death or disability during a patient transfer
- Discounted attendance at the Society’s meetings and events
- Circulation of the monthly e-newsletter to keep members informed of recent developments in Intensive Care as well as forthcoming meetings, events and opportunities such as grants and prizes and other news
- Access to the Linkman scheme – a two way communication channel from the Society to its members and vice versa
- Opportunity to stand for Council, the Society’s Board of Trustees, subject to grade of membership
- Opportunity to join the European Society of Intensive Care at a reduced rate (see below)
Go to for more details
As a Doctor in Training there are many good reasons to become an ESICM member and we recommend that you join. Benefits include:
- Free access to the web-based 2nd Edition of the PACT Programme
- Participation in ESICM educational and training activities: post-graduate courses, training courses & workshops
- Discounts on registration fees at the Annual Congress and at international meetings endorsed by ESICM
- Free access to all ESICM Flash-Conferences (presentations and lectures from scientific sessions held during ESICM congresses & meetings)
- Annual subscription to Intensive Care Medicine journal (electronic version; print edition optional)
- Reduced application fees for EDIC (European Diploma in Intensive Care)
Go to for more details
FICM has developed an integrated set of workplace-based assessments [WPBA], which are to be
used throughout the entire postgraduate training programme. They are blueprinted against, and
support, the curriculum and the requirements of the GMC’s Good Medical Practice. Every learning
outcome that is identified in the curriculum should be matched to at least one possible assessment.
During the seven year CCT programme the you will progressively build a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate that you have achieved competencies as defined in detail in the Syllabus (Part III). This is structured around 12 Domains and 97 competencies. For the award of a CCT the Doctor in Training must produce evidence in all 97 competencies. You will therefore need to produce evidence for approximately 15 competences each year.
The FICM website contains links to the required competencies and the suggested modes of assessment.
During your ICM training year you will also need to complete:
a) An educational agreement at the start of each attachment (see below) and end of attachment appraisal form (also see below)
b) ICM competencies as in the ICM training record book (at the appropriate level for your stage of training) – see FICM draft workbooks
c) Workplace based assessments (as above)
d) Logbook of procedures – Doctor in Training are required to keep a record of the cases that they manage. The Doctor in Training must have had a significant input into the care and management of the patient and this input should be mapped onto the major domains of the curriculum. The case logbook will be part of the portfolio of evidence that the trainee will collect to demonstrate their experience and competence. A record of procedures is also required.
e) 2 expanded case summaries per year, to be reviewed at your ARCP. (10 expanded case summaries by the end of training).
f) At least 5 general ‘Top 30’ cases as CBDs, CEX or both – to be reviewed at the ARCP each year. The aim is that 25 of the 30 cases will be covered by the end of your training in a WBA of one type or another.
g) Use the Peninsula ICM ARCP form – see appendix
All ICM Doctors in Training working to the 2011 curriculum will have a standalone ICM ARCP. The following should be available to the panel:
- ARCP ICM form (including Faculty Tutor’s report)
- Current CV
- Revalidation form R
- Logbook of procedures performed (at least 15) and cases seen
- Logbook of airway skills (at least 15 with evidence of progression)
- Evidence of appropriate numbers of WBA, with progress through the FICM “top 30” cases” (as CBD and/or mini CEX)
- Evidence of progress through your ten extended case summaries
- Evidence of progress through the ICM competencies booklet
- Evidence of completion of national ICM training survey
- One audit per year
- FFICM exam (Fellowship of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine)
The FICM exam calendar is available on the FICM website, The FFICM exam is compulsory for all Doctors in Training entering the ICM programme from August 2012. It cannot be sat before completion of Stage 1 ICM training and must be passed by the end of stage 2 of ICM training. You will not be able to stage 3 training without it (advanced year).
The exam consists of a MCQ exam followed by an OSCE and a series of vivas – 13 OSCE stations and 8 structured clinical orals (each 7 minutes long).
EDIC exam (European Diploma of Intensive Care)
This is another exam that many Doctors in Training in the region have entered. This now has a similar format to the FFICM exam. The EDIC timetable and more information is available on the ESICM website
Text books: There are many good textbooks of critical care, but ICM is rapidly changing and textbooks are prone to becoming out of date. They can be useful as a structured reference guide and revision aid for exams.
Journals: there are several excellent ICM journals many of which can be accessed through Athens. Much of the quality ICM literature is published in mainstream journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine. Some journals come free with membership of various societies eg Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Intensive Care Medicine journal – also free when you subscribe to ESICM. See JICS (Journal of intensive care medicine) – free when you subscribe to ICS. See
Intensive Care Monitor – useful and current summary of the literature. Released bi-monthly - six issues a year See – e version only £40/year
ESICM PACT – web-based and free when you join ESICM. See
Formal ICM teaching:
- Regional ICM teaching programme – From Feb 2014 it is planned to hold themed ICM training days aimed at the FFICM exam. These will be held bimonthly in Plymouth and it is expected that all ICM trainees (Stage 1 & 2) attend.
- ICU journal club – There are weekly journal clubs at Derriford Exeter and Truro. ICM Doctors in Training will be expected to present regularly at Journal Club during their training.
- SODIT (Regional ICM society meetings in June, rotates around the region)
- ICS National FICM Exam Preparation Course, held at the RCOA, Churchill House, London. See the ICS website for details:
- Regional AICM study afternoons – It is planned to introduce bespoke teaching for the Doctors in Training in their final year of ICM. These will be aimed at post-FICM exam advanced ICU Doctors in Training, possibly in conjunction with the Severn school. More details to follow.
If you are considering working less than full time, please see the LTFT section of the Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education website and talk early to Dr Paul Margetts. This will allow us to anticipate changes to the rotation with reasonable notice.
Intensive care is a physically and emotionally demanding job and affects different people in different ways. If you are struggling with life and/or work, please talk to someone sooner rather than later – we may be able to help. This could be...
- The Faculty Tutor in your current ICU
- Your mentor (You should be given a mentor when you start in the Peninsula)
- A friendly consultant in your department or another department if you would like a non-ICU consultant to talk to
- A friendly senior trainee in the department in which you are working
- Mark Sair or Roland Black
- Your GP or occupational health
Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education provides a freely available independent short-term counselling service for all doctors in training within Peninsula. This service is designed to offer independent support in addition to that provided by the NHS Trusts, PCTs and Clinical Tutors. This is accessed through the Deanery (details on the website)
There are no paediatric critical care services in the Peninsula. Where possible Doctors in Training will spend up to 3 months of Stage 2 in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit based in the Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital. Where paediatric competencies can be gained within a partner speciality these may be provided outside of the ICM programme. The PICU has 15 staffed beds, which are due to expand to 18 after the merger with North Bristol Trust in 2014. Although this is a general PICU a large proportion of the patients have cardiac problems.
PICU Contacts:
Dr James Fraser: - Educational Supervisor
Dr Juli Talmud: - Rota lead
Marilyn Smith: - PICU Consultant Sec