Advanced level training – Pain Medicine (Advanced Pain Training / APT)

This post offers the required 12 months of comprehensive advanced Pain Medicine training for   anaesthesia trainees who wish to pursue a specialist  career in Pain Medicine. This is a post FRCA position and completion of the necessary pain medicine training at basic, intermediate and higher level is required ahead of commencing as APT.

The post is usually shared between the Plymouth Pain Management Centre at UHP NHS Trust (6 months) and any of the other approved training centers in the Peninsula: Exeter, Torbay and Truro (6 months). This is to provide broadest exposure to the practice of pain management and to secure coverage of the APT curriculum.

Individual preferences and requirements can be considered as long as training requirements and personal training objectives are met.  Should two appropriate candidates express interest for the same period of training, appointment of two   trainees is possible. 

Entry to APT is by expression of interest to the Local Educational Supervisor in Pain Medicine (LPMES) as early in ST as feasible, to allow for early allocation of Higher Pain Training and mandatory anaesthetic modules. Should several trainees wish to pursue their APT at the same time the allocation will be by interview. Contact with the RAPM and early registration with the Faculty of Pain Medicine is encouraged ahead of APT.

1. Clinical Duties

The post concentrates on delivery of a multidisciplinary curriculum and formal allocation to interventional lists, outpatient clinics, inpatient pain sessions, major pain interventions (e.g. Spinal Cord Stimulation) and close working with the pain management teams is the norm. APTs are actively involved in the delivery of Pain Management and Pain Medicine Interventions. Individual time tables will depend on the profile of the local pain department.

 A minimum of 20 cancer pain medicine sessions must be attended.  

Training in specialist pain management in children and young people  is delivered in collaboration with the pain management teams in Severn ( Bath Pain Management  Unit) and further training ( post CCT) is advised if the trainee wishes to specialise in chronic paediatric pain management.

According with NHS access policies, any leave should be applied for at least 8 weeks’ in advance.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine acknowledges that APT is part of anaesthetic training; to be able to receive the necessary pain training APTs must not work an   anaesthetic on call rota busier than 1:8. 

2. Supervision

Clinical Supervision is provided by named pain clinicians in individual departments; this is in keeping with competency-based training. Educational supervision is through the LPMEs with overall supervision of the post and mediation by the RAPM.

3. Teaching

The post holder will be expected to deliver formal and situational teaching of junior doctors, medical students and other members of the Pain management team. There will be opportunities for all the above special interest post holders to contribute to undergraduate training with clinical skills training and special study units offered by the department and involvement in EPM Lite. 

Patient education, especially for those participating in pain management courses is a major component of contemporary care and there is ample opportunity for the APTs to learn and practice the  necessary skills.

4. Opportunities

Training in Pain Medicine offers access to a wealth of contemporary strategies, including motivational interviewing, mediation, multidisciplinary team work, including team management and working across secondary, community and primary care.

Training in specialist technical skills required for comprehensive delivery of pain management is provided and includes imaging guided day case procedures ( x-ray/ ultrasound ) and advanced interventions including  neuromodulation and trigeminal ablative procedures.

The APT will have access to regular education sessions ranging from one to one teaching ‘’on the job’’ to participation in training sessions (face – to face or via media) with trainees from the London Deaneries. Participation in pre FFPMRCA courses is facilitated.  There are regular opportunities for attending industry sponsored neuromodulation training sessions and for networking with pain specialists across the UK.

5. Quality Improvement, Research and Audit

APTs will be encouraged and expected to develop and complete a QI project. Research participation is encouraged and all the training departments have senior consultants involved in clinical research who are able to offer advice  and guidance for  individual APTs.

For further enquiries please contact:  Regional Advisor in Pain Medicine.