Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust Hospital
Obstetric Anaesthesia Fellowship
We are a busy unit with over 4000 deliveries a year.
We run a Consultant lead anaesthetic service providing Consultant cover 5 days a week on Labour Ward. The day starts with a multidisciplinary handover from the night team to the day staff, together with a run through of elective work for the day. We run a High Risk service on Labour Ward for those more complicated women. We have elective caesarean sections lists on all the weekdays that are covered by a consultant and offer a 24 hour epidural service providing PCEA epidurals. In addition we run a High Risk Clinic for Obstetrics every month and participate in the Multiprofessional Study Days that occur monthly.
Specialist Experience.
We would expect you to come to us already competent in intermediate level obstetric anaesthesia, we would be looking to increase your skills in advanced obstetric anaesthesia, high risk obstetric cases, high risk neonatal cases. You would spend 50% of your clinical time in obstetrics.
In order to achieve this you would be expected to attend:
- High Risk Anaesthetic Clinic for Obstetrics
- High Risk Obstetric Clinic run jointly with Endocrinology
- Fetomaternal Scanning and Clinic for Complicated Cases
- In addition you would attend the High Risk Clinics run at St Michaels in Bristol
- Time on NNU observing the neonatal team
Teaching and Training.
We are involved in teaching obstetrics to anaesthetists of all levels. We always have a trainee completing their core training and you will be expected to help supervise and teach them.
We participate and teach in a monthly Multidisciplinary Teaching Day that is mandatory for all who work on Labour Ward. We would expect you to get involved with the teaching and delivering of this course, in particular the Labour Ward drills.
Risk Management.
This is an integral part of any clinical setting and we would want you to attend:
- Perinatal Mortality Meetings
- Maternity Govenance meetings
During the fellowship you will be expected to be run and be involved in QI projects and audit in obstetric anaesthesia.
For further enquiries please contact Dr Darryl Johnston,